Welcome to Habits of Friendship, the companion module of Habits of Learning. In Habits of Friendship, we will explore the social skills needed for meaningful, lifelong relationships.
After Habits of Learning took shape in my mind, I began to realize it was an incomplete program. Our lives are not just about learning, they are about more than that.
If you have been here for a while, you know I talk a lot about goal setting and balance. When I am talking about those things I often quote one of my favorite Bible verses: Luke 2:52.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.
Luke 2:52, KJV
In this verse we see that as Jesus grew from child to man, he developed in four areas of his life:
- Wisdom: Learning and education
- Stature: Physical health and wellness
- Favour with God: Spiritual development
- Favour with man: Social and emotional development
Habits of Learning focuses on the “wisdom” part of that verse. Habits of Friendship will focus on “favour with man”. These are the two modules that will be taught, two times a year at A One-Room Schoolhouse.

Glimpse Into The Future
After I finish writing and launching Habits of Learning and Habits of Friendship, I will then write the last two modules of the complete Habits program: Habits of Living and Habits of Worship.
Habits of Living and Habits of Worship will be designed for in-home use, whereas Habits of Learning and Habits of Friendship can be taught in the home or school.
As these four modules come to fruition, the Habits program will be complete as inspired by Luke 2:52. This will allow the parent or teacher to directly teach each area of personal development, as modeled by Jesus Christ, to their child of any age.

How It Works
Every week, starting next week, I will publish a new Habit of Friendship. That will be the focus of the blog that week and of our social media. For now, the lessons and resources will be offered as a free download.
These lessons are scripted, open-and-go, brief, and simple social skills lessons to help teachers and parents develop in children the social skills needed for meaningful, lifelong relationships. Lessons are designed to last anywhere from five to fifteen minutes and can be taught in a multi-age classroom setting.

Habits of Friendship: Overview
The Habits of Friendship will focus on six different fundamental social skills areas as they grow over three levels of developmental progression. The following are the social skill areas that will be taught and the corresponding mantra.
- Communication: I can communicate clearly and concisely.
- Manners: I can show universal respect by following the Golden Rule.
- Emotional Regulation: I can understand my own emotions and empathize with others.
- Conflict Resolution: I can handle conflict and stand up for others.
- Group Work: When in a group, I can share, care, and lead others to do the same.
- Obedience: I know when to obey and when to disobey.
As students learn these broad social skills, they will be guided to learn the supporting skills needed to be competent in each skill area. The Habits of Friendship curriculum will guide students through the developmental levels of social skill acquisition from concrete, to awareness, and finally to competence.
At the end of this post, you will find the graphic the will help guide your understanding of this development called the Circle of Friendship. This graphic is also used as the progress monitoring tool, charting the development of each student as the program is taught and re-taught over the years.

Habits of Friendship: Structure
This curriculum has two parts: direct, scripted lessons of six Habits of
Friendship to be used in the home or classroom and a progress monitoring
Circle of Friendship of these six habits. The lessons are “open-and-go” with little preparation and few materials. They are designed for ease of use with high efficacy in implementation.
The lessons can be taught over a six-week period, but are designed to be repeated as often as needed. A nondenominational Christian perspective is intertwined throughout the lessons.
All scripture references are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Lessons and activities are designed to be used in a multi-age classroom setting but can also be done one-on-one.
The progress monitoring circle is used to help students and teachers/
parents reflect on the child’s social habits. Stages of habit development are given with specific criteria to monitor growth. Students first develop these social habits at a very concrete level. Then they move on to a place of awareness. Finally, the emerge into competence in that social skill area.

Habits of Friendship: Development and Grounding
This program of personal development is based on the most current
research in behavior intervention, historical wisdom of great educators,
and years of practical experience in both the educational and therapeutic
settings of the author.
Specifically, Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) heavily influenced this work as it provides a process to understand and develop positive behavior in students that is based on both values and empirical research.
Both the models of classical education and the work of Charlotte Mason are melded together when considering teaching methods and behavioral development. Finally, the author’s years of professional experience as a school physiologist, education director, and special education teacher honed this curriculum.

Habits of Friendship Engagement
We are growing rapidly and we are so pleased with your support. Keep tagging your friends, start using our hashtag (#habitsoffrienship), and share your Habits of Friendship journey.
Let’s keep the social media ball rolling and share this program with your friends! Take pictures and videos of your Habits of Friendship lessons. Post these on Facebook or Instagram. Use the hashtag #habitsoffrienship and tag @aoneroomshoolhouse. Follow the Schoolhouse and our hashtag to join other Habits of Friendship users!
Hi! Our family is loving your habits lessons and have been slowly working our way through week by week this school year. Thank you for all of your hard work and the thought that went into preparing these! Are you planning on adding any of the rest of the lessons for friendship habits or the lessons for the other areas anytime soon?
Yes! I am so sorry for the delay. The next Habit will post tomorrow and then the final Habit of Friendship will post next week. Thank you so much for following along!