As this summer begins to unfold, I am so glad we have this fun summer challenge to keep things positive and intentional. To say the second week of summer has been calm would be the biggest lie of them all. But, I am happy to report, we are still carving out time for intentional summer fun.
Not only has the world around us been in upheaval with current events, but my own life also continues to keep things interesting. We said goodbye to some dear family friends this week (they are moving out of state) and my stepfather (who lives in a nursing home) had some significant changes to his care.
Although both of these important events provided stress, both will be positive changes in the long run. Despite all this, I am so glad that every morning my kids and I can take a look at our summer charts and focus on living an intentionally FUN summer!

No Idea What I am Talking About?
We are making this summer count with the #100daysofsummer2020 challenge!
If you are new to this summer fun challenge, head over here for all the details and some cool downloads. (Also, if you want the week one update, click over here.) But here is the short summary of what we are doing this summer at A One-Room Schoolhouse:
Did you know that between Memorial Day and Labor Day there are roughly 100 days each year? (This year it is 105… but close enough!) Those are the 100 days of summer! The 100 days of summer 2020 need to be epic!
Let’s be honest, spring 2020 has been a bit of a letdown. (Heck, this summer is off to a rocky start!) The world has been in turmoil and our lives have been turned upside down. So with all of the distress in the world, I am issuing a challenge to make the 100 days of summer 2020 count!
That’s right! This summer is going to be amazing. To make it truly epic, I challenge each of you to do some really amazing things. Let’s grow! Let’s make a difference! Make ourselves a little better, our family a little better, and our world a little better. Head over here to get your checklist!

With everything going on around us, I am not ignoring or making light of our world’s turmoil. I am not taking positions here. This is not the place. But, I am challenging you to be intentional about how you spend your 100 days of summer. Make your summer fun. Especially with your children, make the #100daysofsummer2020 an amazing three months.
Week Two Report
My Almost-Six-Year-Old Boy:

- Read 100 books (Nine books down and 91 to go! He is progressing well in his reading. He is currently working his way through The Good and the Beautiful beginner box set books. After that, he has his sights set on reading this Dick and Jane series.)
- Travel over 100 miles from home (After our camping trip this next week, we will get on to planning our next great adventure.)
- Build 100 Lego structures (He has rolled off Legos at the moment. I am sure he will circle back. He has been killing it in the playing outside the department, so no worries!)
- Spend 100 hours at a zoo, museum, aviary, state/national park, or historical site. (We go “green” on Saturday so I think we might be able to start visiting some of our favorite places soon. We will be camping for a week at a local state park next week, but I don’t think I will count those hours to this goal. It seems too easy! The point here is to stretch!)
- Play 100 songs on your instrument (Fourteen songs down! This goal is really keeping him motivated to practice the piano over the summer. He has just finished his first year of Let’s Play Music with his fabulous teacher, Mrs, Lillian. This program is amazing but only runs during the school year. I am so glad he can keep his skills sharp with this goal and be ready for year three, starting in September!)
My Four-Year-Old Boy:

- Spend 100 hours outside each month (We have logged forty-seven hours since Memorial Day! I don’t think a hundred hours a month is going to be a problem!)
- Play 100 board or card games (We are doing well this challenge too. My little guy has played nine games so far. This might be his favorite challenge. Playing games has also been so good for our relationship! Just yesterday, he totally kicked my trash at Memory!)
- Roast 100 marshmallows (The grocery store had marshmallows back in stock and we are now the proud owners of five bags! Yippie! This next week on our camping trip I am sure we can make some major progress on this goal!)
- Swim 100 hours (My little peanut is up to six hours on his swimming goal… and the pool isn’t even open yet. This kid is a fish. Our camp out next week is happening on a lake, so I am sure we will get many more hours on this on.)
- Eat 100 apples (Solidly at ten apples here. I had to buy three bags of apples this week to keep up with this goal! When this little guy has an apple, everyone has to have an apple!)

- Read aloud 100 pictures books (This has been working out so nicely. Our summer order of events has us doing a read-aloud period every day after lunch. This has been such a sweet time of day with my kiddos. We are already up to eighteen books and I have been thinking I might make this one hundred books a month. Still thinking about that! )
- Do 100 hours of home improvement (With the basement transformation well underway, I have added another ten hours to this tally. That brings the grand total up to twenty-five hours. I am sure once the basement schoolhouse is done I will be well above the one hundred marks!)
- Walk/hike/run/bike 100 miles (Hopefully we will be able to hit the hiking trail next week on our camping trip!)
- Get rid of 100 things you don’t need (Nothing yet on this front. I think this goal will happen at the end of the summer after the basement is done. When the basement is finished I will be combining kids’ rooms to make a new playroom upstairs, so I will be focusing on decluttering at that point.)
- Camp for 100 hours (Gonna blow this one out of the water next week as we join a few friends for a week-long camping trip. Look for blog posts all next week themed around family camping.)
- Do 100 workouts (Seven workouts are done, so many to go!)
Looking Forward
I won’t be online much next week, but I will have some great posts all about camping with kiddos. It has been my thing for many years and it has been so fun over the last six years to introduce my kids to the great outdoors and all the joys of camping.
It is never too late to join us! You don’t need 100 days to do these challenges! Show off your progress through the summer by taking pictures of your chart and your adventures. Post them to social media and use our hashtag #100daysofsummer2020.
Of course, I will follow the hashtag but also tag @aoneroomschoolhouse and I will be sure to share as many as I can in my stories!
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