A Homeschool Mom’s Survival Guide

A One-Room Schoolhouse and Collins Academy Therapeutic Services have teamed up to bring you a homeschool education event you will not want to miss! Teaching in a Mixed-Age Environment will be a webinar filled with professional advice, helpful tips, and inspirational stories to maximize learning and peace during your busy homeschool day.
If you have ever wondered how to teach multiple ages and levels at the same time, this event is for you!
If you ever have wondered how to keep your littles engaged and productive while teaching your older children, this event is also for you!
If you are homeschooling more than one child, yep, this event is for you!
Every homeschool parent will benefit from the skills of Sarah (homeschool mom and occupational therapist) and Genevieve (homeschool mom, A One-Room Schoolhouse director, and school psychologist). Click the link below to register for this event. Space is limited, so sign-up soon. This event will fill fast!
On the Docket:
- Philosophy of educating multiple ages
- Asynchronous development
- What to teacher together, what to teacher apart
- Morning time
- Habits of Learning and Habits of Friendship
- Fieldtrips
- Adapting assignments
- Ideas for occupying littles during individual instruction
- Setting up rotations
- Teaching independent play
Date: September 16th
Time: 8:00 PM EST
What: Live Zoom webinar
Teaching in a Mixed-Age Environment
Price: $12.50
(The portion of the proceeds generated by A One-Room Schoolhouse will go directly to the non-profit and benefit the students of the schoolhouse.)
Research strongly supports the idea that mixed-age classrooms are better for students. Not only do students out-perform peers of the same age academically, but studies also show that they thrive socially. Come and see why!
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