It is almost time for my favorite event of the year! This will be our third year offering Homeschool 101, and I am over the moon with anticipation. But what is Homeschool 101?

Are thinking about homeschooling for the 2022-2023 school year?
Don’t know where to start?
Feeling overwhelmed?
At this event, you’ll learn everything you need to know about becoming a homeschooler in Pennsylvania.

By attending, you’ll leave with the following items:
- New to homeschooling checklist
- Guidelines on how and when to start
- Example affidavit forms to submit to your local school district
- Example objectives to submit to your local school district
- Guidance on how to submit your paperwork to your local school district
- Pre-organized portfolio binder with all the necessary tabs and logs included
- Curriculum consultation
- Information on scheduling your end-of-year portfolio evaluation and any needed testing
- Online resources and support
This is a no-cost event, but we do ask that you consider making a donation to cover the cost of the binder, tabs and printing.

Date: Thursday, June 2nd
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Camp Agape Summer Camp Learning and Retreat Center

*RSVP required*
To RSVP, select “going” on the Facebook event page to let us know you’ll be there!
We really encourage all to attend in person, but if that will not work for you, we will offer a zoom link to those that must drive a considerable distance to join us.
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