Over the past three years, the question, “How do I apply?” has become a frequent inquiry in my inbox. When asked this question, I used to just tell people the date we would start accepting applications. But, as A One-Room Schoolhouse has grown in popularity, we have decided to adjust the answer to the question, “How do I apply?”

Interest Pool
After last year’s application window closed, I continued to receive many inquiries about the schoolhouse. Even though we didn’t have any spots available at the time, I wanted to track this interest, so that I had a clear understanding of our growth needs.
So, I created an interest pool. Here’s how it works:
Parents complete the form for children interested in enrolling for the current school year and future school years.
Then, during the school year, we are able to contact one of the interested families about openings that become available. Sometimes students have to drop out of the program mid-year for a variety of reasons: a parent’s job change, move, divorce, health, etc.
If you are at all interested in sending your child to one of our current schoolhouse locations (Hickory, Washington, Franklin Park, or Washington), for next school year or future school years, we highly encourage you to complete the form here.

Growth and Expansion
We are always hesitant to promise locations or announce changes while things are still being developed. But, you may have put two and two together when you saw my last blog post recruiting teachers in different areas of the Pittsburgh metropolitan area. So let me share a little bit about where we are at right now.
We are actively recruiting teachers east of the city (especially in the Monroeville area) and south of Washington. We are also toying with the idea of opening another classroom to accommodate 20 more students at our Franklin Park campus. Update: October 2023: We have opened our Plum location with great success and have doubled the size of our Franklin Park Campus!
Our growth is largely dependent on three things: Location, a qualified teacher, and students. The easy part is the students. Right now, I have over 100 students in the interest pool list, NOT including siblings of currently enrolled students! This is sorta a build-it-and-they-will-come situation.
The other two things needed to open a new schoolhouse – location and teacher – can be a little harder to come by.
A suitable location requires the right amount of green space, indoor classroom availability during the week and a values alignment at a rent price we can afford. This can definitely be a challenge.
And this past year, we learned some hard lessons about what kind of person makes an ideal schoolhouse teacher.
I don’t regularly go about airing my failures, but we had a mid-year teacher change at one of our campuses. A mid-year change is NEVER ideal, and we learned a lot about the hiring process and teacher qualities to look for through this situation. October 2023 Update: Our new teacher at Washington Campus is amazing and the campus is thriving!
Right now, we have locations and students ready to go for the areas I mentioned, and I have even received some promising applications for those teaching positions. So we will see how it unfolds.
I promise nothing, but I am very hopeful that we will be able to serve an additional 40 students next school year.
(Wow, that number just had me reflecting: 2020-2021: 20 students, 2021-2022: 45 students, 2022-2023: 107 students, and maybe 2023-2024: 150 students!) October 2023 Update: in 2023-2024 school year, we are serving 175 students!

Change to the Application Process
So what will we do with the interest pool? How will the application process work? These are all great questions!
In previous years, we have worked on a first-come, first-serve basis. We will be moving to a more selective application process. Now, don’t get all stressed! In the process, we are looking for a MATCH.
We are not looking for the smartest kid, the most talented musician, or the most accomplished adventurer. We are looking for children and families that will feel comfortable in the schoolhouse community.

We are looking for families that will be able to commit to leading lessons at home two days per week and meet their volunteer commitment in the classroom. Schoolhouse families must also be committed to our six value statements and our mission. Finally, families should be ready to pay the tuition. We work so hard to keep fees low and are thankful to provide partial scholarships to many students, but we have found that it is important for families to be prepared for the financial commitment. And finally, we are just not set up to help students with severe disabilities or behavior problems.
So How Will The Process Work?
- Complete the Interest Pool online form.
- We will complete INTERNAL registration for returning students and their siblings starting mid-January of every school year. Internal registration will remain open to current schoolhouse families until the end of February
- At the end of February, a link will be sent out to the interest pool to complete a formal schoolhouse application. If there are still spots available after this, a link may become public. The application will be available for approximately 2 weeks.
- From the applications, we will select students to come in with their parents for a meeting with their potential teacher. At this meeting, we will get to know you a little, complete some basic placement testing, and review our model. You will also be able to tour the campus you are considering.
- After this meeting, you will receive a decision on your admissions status within three weeks of your screening meeting. You will either be admitted, put on the official ranked waitlist, or not accepted.
- If you are admitted, you will have another sit-down with your teacher the week BEFORE Memorial Day weekend. At this meeting, you will get all of your information for the next school year.
Other Registration FAQs
What is the interest pool?
We call it an “interest pool” because students’ applications are not ranked. When a space becomes available, the admission committee considers many factors such as school gender balance, family match, existing family connections to the program, prior history with the schoolhouse, and other factors when selecting an applicant.
What is the likelihood that my child will be taken out of the interest pool and accepted to A One-Room Schoolhouse?
The administration will be able to consider students in the interest pool for any openings as soon as an opening occurs during the school year. If/when an existing family passes on a space in the class, we are then able to experience movement in the interest pool.
How will I be notified, and how much time will I be given if my child is in the interest pool and then offered a space?
Typically, a space is offered via telephone or email. The administration allows 24 hours to accept or decline a space.
Is it safe to say that if my child isn’t accepted by June, it probably won’t happen?
Not necessarily. Families move and change plans all the time. There is no way to know for sure, but children can be accepted throughout the spring and summer, right up until the day before classes start in the fall.
What if I’m offered a space and I want to take it but I’ve signed a contract and paid a
deposit at another program?
You will need to review the terms of the contract that you signed and contact the admissions office at the other school/program to find out more about your obligations.
How long does my child remain in the interest pool?
Your child remains active in the interest pool until you notify the admission office that you no longer want your child in the interest pool.
Do I have to re-apply if my child is not accepted from the interest pool?
Yes. If you are on the interest pool and you apply for one year and are not accepted, but still desire admission, you may put your name back on the interest pool.
Still have questions? Email us at [email protected].

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