Ever have one of those days? I mean, in a good way! Some days the schoolhouse just works. Sometimes the kids just all get along. Sometimes the lesson goes just as you planned. Sometimes the kids play outside, and it is smooth. Today was one of those days.
(Written Thursday 2/11/2021)
Outside Time

The kids played so well together at recess I felt like I was frolicking in a #1000hours of outside bliss. No one fought. We slid like snow bunnies down the sledding hill. The snow fort we have been working on all week is coming together. Serious airtime was caught going off our sledding jumps.

The lessons all went just like butter on a hot piece of toast. I could seriously do an infomercial for The Good and the Beautiful right now! Two kids, one being my son, seriously conquer a reading time! I nearly cried when my son finished the timing, reading without pause. The last time we did that timing, he cried. This time I was choking back tears of joy!
I felt like the kids were really learning. We cruised through our lessons. Kids were getting spelling words right and dictation was actually enjoyable! Our math lessons were amazing. The kids knew their facts; the kids were taking tests getting A’s!

It was so much fun to watch some of the older boys observe one of our Level 3 student’s math lesson. He uses The Good and the Beautiful for math and was working on the concept of area. In this lesson, you use these puzzle blocks (see the picture) to teach the concept. One of the puzzles was particularly hard and as the older boys observed they got curious. By lunchtime, even the older boys were begging to do the puzzle!
I wanna try! I wanna try! Well, by all means, do spatial reasoning puzzles while you eat! Who am I to stop you?

After lunch, we dove into history. Maybe it was because today we studied the second Continental Congress but patriotism was just bursting at the seams. My voice is raw from reading Patrick Henry’s Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death speech. I was almost moved to tears and I think the kids felt it!
Not Everything Went Right
Everything was just smooth today. Not that everything went right. Firstly, we had a parent volunteer (and their child) leave early because five momma cows were calving out on their farm… ALL. AT. THE. SAME.TIME.
Then, one boy did get hurt on the way down to the sledding hill. Poor kiddo.
And yes, it does not always go like this. Some days at A One-Room Schoolhouse are rough and rocky. Many days I finished exhausted.
But today, I am energized. Today, I know why I am doing this. Today was just so smooth.
Tell me about your day? Was it like butter on hot toast, or like spilled milk at breakfast?
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