If you are paying attention to the title, Summer Fun: Week Four, you might think, hey, your last Summer Fun post was week two. Girl, can you count? Well, last week we were camping and I did not write a Summer Fun post. Sorry! So, I will be counting like this… one, two, skip a few, ninety-nine, one hundred!
We had a great time camping and I will share some of my favorite pictures from our week-long adventure. I also want to talk about goal-setting and failure. (Because there is some of that in my report this week!)
Goal Setting and Failure

I talked a lot about goal setting over here in this post: Goal Setting: A Balanced Approach. But let me sum up a few words. “Working Sucessdessfully” on a goal-setting program does not mean completing 100% of your goals.
As a matter of fact, if you’re perfectly reaching all of your goals, you weren’t aiming high enough. Goals should stretch you to be better. Sometimes that stretch is really hard and you don’t make it. The point is, however, that you stretched. You reached and when you reached you went farther than you would have if you had never tried at all.
As a matter of fact, most goal-setting gurus suggest the 80% rule. That means if you are reaching 80% of your goals OR getting 80% of the way to your goal: you are in the goal-setting sweet spot.
You are stretching yourself enough to make substantial life gains. No need to feel like a failure. Check your perfectionism at the door. Failure is where it is at!

If you are not comfortable with a little failure, head over to Habits of Learning: Motivation. Scroll down to the section entitled “The 20 Dollar Bill”. I hope this post will remind you that the “worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by who we are.”
So, enough with goal-setting and failure… let’s talk about how our #100daysofsummer2020 is going!
No Idea What I am Talking About?
We are making this summer count with the #100daysofsummer2020 challenge!
If you are new to this summer fun challenge, head over here for all the details and some cool downloads. But here is a short summary of what we are doing this summer at A One-Room Schoolhouse:

Did you know that between Memorial Day and Labor Day there are roughly 100 days each year? (This year it is 105… but close enough!) Those are the 100 days of summer! The 100 days of summer 2020 need to be epic!
Let’s be honest, spring 2020 has been a bit of a letdown. (Heck, this summer is off to a rocky start!) The world has been in turmoil and our lives have been turned upside down. So with all of the distress in the world, I am issuing a challenge to make the 100 days of summer 2020 count!
That’s right! This summer is going to be amazing. To make it truly epic, I challenge each of you to do some really amazing things. Let’s grow! Let’s make a difference! Make ourselves a little better, our family a little better, and our world a little better. Head over here to get your checklist!
Week Four Report
My Almost-Six-Year-Old Boy:

- Read 100 books (Twenty books down and eighty to go! He is progressing well in his reading. He is currently working his way through The Good and the Beautiful beginner box set books. After that, he has his sights set on reading this Dick and Jane series. I should note: learning to read has been hard for him. He is struggling. We are going slow. But he SOOOOOO wants to learn to read. So, we will keep working. He is being so diligent and I am proud of him. He is learning so much about hard work and perseverance and I am so happy for him. )
- Travel over 100 miles from home (I would love any suggestions you might have on the best camping spots on the east coast. What do you think? )
- Build 100 Lego structures (This one was a reason I started talking about goal setting and not reaching your goals. He was super excited about this goal at the beginning of the summer. But he has rolled off Legos at the moment and that’s okay. He is now officially into crawfish after last week’s camping trip!)
- Spend 100 hours at a zoo, museum, aviary, state/national park, or historical site. (Now that we are “green” I am hoping we can get back at this one. We did do 139 hours at our local state park camping this week. So technically this is “done”. But I am hoping to get to the zoo, aviary and a few museums this summer.)
- Play 100 songs on your instrument (Twenty-three songs down! This goal is really keeping him motivated to practice the piano over the summer. He has just finished his first year of Let’s Play Music with his fabulous teacher, Mrs. Lillian. This program is amazing but only runs during the school year. I am so glad he can keep his skills sharp with this goal and be ready for year three, starting in September!)

My Four-Year-Old Boy:

- Spend 100 hours outside each month (Camp week blew this one out of the water for June. With camp week and our regular outside playing we are at 222 hours for the month of June. Yeehaw! Are you doing the #1000hoursoutside challenge? )
- Play 100 board or card games (This one has been going really well. My little man loves his games. I think I need to write a post all about game schooling, but that will be for another time. We are up to twenty-three games and counting. He also finished his Pre-K book from The Good and the Beautiful this week. We will continue on to the Primer book but keep playing all of the fun games from the Pre-K level as a review!)
- Roast 100 marshmallows (He is up to six marshmallows and I feel like we really need to get focused on this goal! LOL! This little guy needs his sleep and he often fell asleep before marshmallow roasting time during camp week. Silly little boy!)
- Swim 100 hours (Camping on a lake last week really helped this goal gain some serious hours! Also, our community pool opened up while we were away, so that will help too! We are at twenty-eight hours. On a side note, swimming is a great way to help your kids get a good night’s sleep. On Tuesday we went to the pool for a couple of hours and this little man fell asleep on the couch right after dinner. He did not wake up until 7:30 the next morning. People, he slept for thirteen hours! SWEEEEET!)
- Eat 100 apples (Chugging away at this fun little goal with fifteen apples enjoyed so far this summer!)


- Read aloud 100 pictures books (We are at thirty picture books. Honestly, I did not read much to the kids while we were camping. We were just always on the move. But since we have been back, we have been once again enjoying after lunch storytime. I am also excited that our local library has opened back up for curbside check-out. I can finally return the books I checked out at the beginning of March and get some new ones! Hallelujah!)
- Do 100 hours of home improvement (With the basement transformation well underway, I have added another few hours to this tally. That brings the grand total up to twenty-eight hours. I am sure once the basement schoolhouse is done I will be well above the one hundred marks! We will be hitting the basement work hard starting today, so next week I should have a big gain in this area.)
- Walk/hike/run/bike 100 miles (Um, remember what I said about failure. Well, um, yeah. Maybe next week!)
- Get rid of 100 things you don’t need (Nothing yet on this front. I think this goal will happen at the end of the summer after the basement is done. When the basement is finished I will be combining kids’ rooms to make a new playroom upstairs, so I will be focusing on decluttering at that point.)
- Camp for 100 hours (Um, DONE! We camped for 139 hours at camp week and loved almost every minute of it!)
- Do 100 workouts (Ten workouts are done, so many to go! Back to the failure stuff above. I really need to re-double my efforts on this one. But, I am just having trouble getting up early as my baby’s sleep has totally stunk recently. We are working on her sleep and she is making some great improvements. Fingers crossed I can get back to my work-out routine soon! … And get some sleep!)

Looking Forward
This next week I should be back to my normal blogging routine. Look for a schoolhouse basement update on Monday and a summer report on Thursday. Also, if you are local, we might want to check out our upcoming open house and parent night schedule.

It is never too late to join us! You don’t need 100 days to do these challenges! Show off your progress through the summer by taking pictures of your chart and your adventures. Post them to social media and use our hashtag #100daysofsummer2020.
Of course, I will follow the hashtag but also tag @aoneroomschoolhouse and I will be sure to share as many as I can in my stories!
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